


What Is Antibiotic Intolerance?



何謂抗生素不耐 / 抗生素不適應

(譯注:intolerance,譬如乳糖不耐症 Lactose Intolerance,指的是對某物不適應而產生不適的現象。)


For a few guinea pigs, safe antibiotics (like Baytril) affect the appetite and they may stop eating.

對於少數天豬,即使是安全的抗生素如 Baytril 也會影響食慾,導致拒食。

    If a loss of appetite, diarrhea or lethargy develops while on the antibiotic, it may be an indication that the pig is intolerant to it, or the infection is resistant to it, requiring a change in medication. If the pig remains on a drug it is intolerant to, the results could be fatal. -- Pinta


在使用抗生素後,若出現食慾下降腹瀉精神不振的現象,就有可能是抗生素不耐的症狀,或是有感染的病灶有抗藥性(),需要更改使用的藥物。如果天豬繼續使用會讓他不適應的藥物,最後有可能導致死亡。-- Pinta

If your cavy develops any of these signs, call your vet! And if your pet is not eating and losing weight, you must hand feed (see Hand Feeding advice). Weighing your pig daily while on antibiotics will help alert you to any problems.


若你的天豬有上述的不適應症狀,請馬上打電話跟您的獸醫聯絡。如果你的天豬不吃,且體重下降,就必須強迫餵食 (請見強迫餵食篇 )。在你的天豬用藥期間天天測量體重,會有助於監測狀況。

Pinta's article on Antibiotic Intolerance provides more information and describes her experiences and those of other people's pigs who have been intolerant of medications.


Pinta 寫了一篇文章,提供了更多有關抗生素不耐 / 抗生素不適應的資訊,以及分享她及其他天友的經驗。請見


Is It The Right Antibiotic?

Ideally, bacteria should be cultured to ensure that the correct antibiotic is being used.




    If a culture is taken, the bacteria can be identified and the appropriate antibiotics suggested. Labs will list all drugs and their sensitivity but it is up to your vet to make sure the drugs listed are safe for guinea pigs. -- Pinta

作細菌培養可以讓醫生辨識出菌種,及決定適合的抗生素。檢驗室會將所有可以用的藥,以及對細菌的有效程度列出來,但是最後還是要醫生挑選出有效且安全的用藥。-- Pinta


This can be especially helpful with an abscess or infection where more than one bacteria may be present, requiring treatment with multiple antibiotics. With a respiratory bacterial infection, there may be no time for a culture and an antibiotic must be prescribed for treatment in the hope it will be effective.




How Do I Know If It's Working?

Ask your vet how soon you should see results. In general, once the pig is on medication, you should be able to see an improvement within 2 or 3 days (especially important if your pet has a respiratory infection).

    Sometimes you will see an improvement as quickly as within 12 hours. The pig should NOT get worse. -- Pinta


在看診時,請記得詢問你的醫生,應該多久會見效。一般來說,用藥起約 2-3 天內可以看到改善的效果 (這點很重要,尤其是呼吸道感染的時候。)


           * 有時快的時候 12 個小時就會見效。總之,豬仔狀況應該要變好。 --Pinta

If your pig is not responding, have the vet SWITCH TO ANOTHER DRUG.



(譯註:基於就醫禮儀與尊重專業,請大家有此需求時,客氣地與醫生討論是否須要更改處方,千萬不要用命令或是一付自己都懂的態度指示醫生更改處方。如果你覺得醫生是遜咖,必須由你教他用藥,那為了你的小豬好,請務必換一個你覺得不是遜咖的醫生 @@d)

Do not take no for an answer!
In treating pigs, time is of the essence. Often the vet will have to take an educated guess at which drug to prescribe and just as often the infection can turn out to be resistant to the drug selected.



Review the article on What the Vet Will Do before you see the vet.




How Long Do I Give Antibiotics?

Most vets will provide you with sufficient medication for a course of treatment and ask that you give the full amount. Baytril is typically prescribed for no less than a week at a time. When treating a urinary tract infection, antibiotics may need to be given for 2 or more weeks while the infection heals. If signs recur after completing a course of treatment, contact your vet immediately. In some instances, an antibiotic like baytril may even be prescribed for two consecutive days a week for an extended period of time to prevent a problem like a urinary tract infection from developing.



通常獸醫會給足一個療程的藥量,並要求你給完所有的藥。Baytril 一次會開到一週以上。治療尿道感染的時候,在痊癒後仍需再服用 2 週以上的藥。如果療程結束後有復發的現象,請立刻與你的獸醫聯絡。在某些狀況下,抗生素如 baytril 會開一週連續兩天作為延長治療,以預防尿道感染之類的問題。

(譯註:這邊我不太確定我有沒有完全翻對,基本上的意思就是,醫師說吃幾天藥,就千萬要乖乖吃完,不要自己停掉 (除非是前述的抗生素不耐,必須停藥換藥,這也要依醫生指示進行) 有時為了使感染完全治癒,在好了之後還要再多吃幾天藥,也要耐心配合,不要因為看起來已經好了,就不願意再吃藥。這一點要特別注意,尤其是很多飼主會因為動物抗拒吃藥而自行停藥,這對治療疾病來說是非常不利的。)


What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are substances which contain live microorganisms that are thought to restore the balance of microflora in the digestive tract.


什麼是益生菌 / 益生素

益生菌 / 益生素就是含有微生物,可以重建腸道正常菌叢的東西。


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